To report an accessibility concern affecting individuals with disabilities contact the Office of Compliance via email at:
If you are seeking help with creating content or other digital assets including text, video, images, or other mediums, please visit the Communications and Marketing webpage or contact them via
If you are seeking training for the ADA, how to create accessible content, producing accessible multimedia, or purchasing accessible products contact the group associated with the training:
ADA and Accommodations
Office of Compliance
Website and Multimedia
Communications and Marketing
IT Accessibility and Procurement
Information Technology Services
If you are interested in learning how to improve the accessibility of a course you are teaching or developing, please contact bet36365体育’s Academic Technology team.
If you are seeking help with developing, purchasing, or evaluating the accessibility of a piece of technology, please contact the University of Nebraska’s IT Accessibility Lead via email at:
Read more information on the University of Nebraska IT Accessibility, including the draft policy and accessibility framework.
bet36365体育 is committed to providing an accessible campus environment. bet36365体育 relies on you to speak up if you believe you have observed barriers.
This service is not meant to circumvent or supersede established reporting methods, such as communicating with a supervisor, but rather serves as an additional reporting method for individuals to report their concerns.